Offshore Wind Development


Vietnam has great potential for offshore wind development. Offshore wind development can support Vietnam’s transition from fossil fuel import to self-reliance on clean energy.

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Vietnam Wind Worker
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Vietnam Wind Worker
Vietnam is a net importer of coal, with coal comprising more than 38% of current electricity generation. Despite this fact, Vietnam is considered to have one of the greatest potentials for offshore wind development in Asia, with the country’s potential wind capacity estimated at 311 GW. According to a 2001 study by the World Bank, more than 39% of Vietnam’s land has an average annual wind speed of at least six meters per second at an altitude of 65 meters. Offshore wind development can support Vietnam’s transition from fossil fuel import to self-reliance on clean energy.

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Offshore Wind Development Vietnam

Vietnam Operating and Prospective Energy Capacity in 2023 (Megawatts)

Energy Source / StatusAnnouncedPre-ConstructionConstructionOperating
Offshore Wind25,37546,4512522,085
Onshore Wind4312,8445644,381